Wenzhou stainless steel ball valve,Wenzhou valve,Wenzhou valve manufacturer-Wenzhou Junkai Valve

Wenzhou valve manufacturer teaches you how to extend the service life of stainless steel ball valves!

Time : 2024-02-19 Visited :  68 次

During the use of stainless steel ball valves, their service life has always been a concern of customers. In fact, the stainless steel ball valve itself has a relatively long service life, but the premise is that we do a good job in maintenance and care. If we leave it alone, it will rust quickly. Therefore, the following will teach you how to extend the service life of stainless steel ball valves.
There are four points to note:
1. Regular maintenance
As mentioned above, the maintenance and upkeep of stainless steel ball valves is very important. We need to regularly clean and maintain stainless steel ball valves to remove dirt to ensure their intact performance, and promptly replace worn sealing surfaces when necessary.
2. Reasonable choice
The selection of stainless steel ball valves should be reasonable, choose a structure that meets the requirements, increase the durability of the product, and avoid excessive use of stainless steel ball valves as much as possible.
3. Install additional protection
If the stainless steel ball valve is used in a special environment, expansion joints and shock absorbers should be installed to reduce the stress on the stainless steel ball valve and increase its service life.
4. Establish a system
Establish ball valve use management regulations and strengthen management and maintenance.
Therefore, as long as you pay attention to these and use them rationally during use, the service life of stainless steel ball valves can be effectively extended.